Make a Payment Online
To make a payment on individual Arizona income tax owed, taxpayers can either do so electronically or by mail. Taxpayers who file electronically can authorize an electronic funds withdrawal (direct debit) from a checking or savings account.
Individuals who have already filed a tax return and would like to make a payment can do so at Most major credit cards, including Visa or MasterCard branded debit cards, are accepted. Individuals who filed their returns but forgot to enclose payment can also make payments online by e-check or credit card under “Make an Individual/Small Business Income Payment” and “140V: Payment Voucher.”
See the step-by-step guide or tutorial for assistance on making an individual income tax payment.
Can’t Pay?
Individuals who cannot pay the full amount owed when they file may ask to make monthly installment payments. To make this request, taxpayers must wait until ADOR processes their returns and send them an initial billing notice.
Electronic payments can be made using under the “Make an Individual/Small Business Income Payment” and selecting “Liability: Payment for Unpaid Income Tax”.
Filing an Extension
They can also make extension payments electronically at using “Make an Individual/Small Business Income Payment” and selecting “204: Extension Payment”.
Filing an Estimated Payment
Make the electronic payments at using “Make an Individual/Small Business Income Payment” and selecting “140ES: Estimate Payments". If you are making an estimated payment using, do not mail this form to the Department. ADOR will apply the payment to your account.
To make a payment on corporate Arizona income tax owed, taxpayers can either do so electronically or by mail.
Businesses can make a corporate tax credit or debit card payment as a Guest using the Quick Links menu on the AZTaxes homepage. Corporations are not required to login to their AZTaxes account to make a quick payment. Service charges may apply.
Filing an Extension
They can also make extension payments electronically at using “Make an Corporation/S-Corporation/Partnership Payment” and selecting “120/165EXT: Extension Payment”.
Filing an Estimated Payment
Make the electronic payments at using “Make an Corporation/S-Corporation/Partnership Payment” and selecting “120/165EXT: Estimate Payments". If you are making an estimated payment using, do not mail this form to the Department. ADOR will apply the payment to your account.
Transaction Privilege Tax
Electronic payments can be done through for transaction privilege tax (guest and registered accounts).
Businesses who have already filed a tax return and would like to make a payment can do so at
Businesses can make a payment right after submitting their return or at a later date through AZTaxes and continue to the payment page through “Pay” in the side panel.
Additionally, businesses can make a credit or debit card payment as a Guest using the Quick Payment Links menu on the AZTaxes homepage. Businesses need to know their license number and business mailing zip code.
Businesses are not required to login to their AZTaxes account to make a quick payment. Please note: Only registered business users can make an e-check payment. Service charges may apply.
June Electronic Annual Estimated Tax Payment
See the tutorial for assistance on making a tax payment through AZTaxes.