Joie Estrada

Joie Estrada joined ADOR in 2016 and serves as Budget Director, managing and overseeing the Agency’s budgeting and financial forecasting activities for annual, quarterly and monthly budget development. Joie has been employed with the State of Arizona for 31 years with over 23 years of State budgeting experience.
Before coming to ADOR, Joie was Budget Officer with the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ). She managed a very complex array of fund sources--including federal grants--with strict guidelines for usage, assisted in setting fee rates for ADEQ’s Solid Waste, Hazardous Waste, and the Vehicle Emissions programs. As ADEQ does not receive a General Fund Appropriation to assist in funding the agency, and relies solely on revenue streams, Joie also forecasted the agency’s revenue for 100 fund sources.
Joie received an Associate’s Degree in General Studies as well as an Associate’s Degree in Arts from Mesa Community College.