Filing A Claim

The State of Arizona holds unclaimed property as a custodian for the rightful owner. The state will return property to owners who provide proof showing their right to claim the property.

Please be aware that each claim is unique and that once your claim is received, the Unclaimed Property Unit may need to request additional information from you to support your claim. If this is the case, the Unit will contact you by telephone or in writing to explain the additional requirement and will allow you an opportunity to provide the additional evidence rather than denying your claim. If you have any questions or cannot provide the evidence requested, we recommend that you complete the claim form and submit the evidence you can provide along with a note explaining your circumstances. A claims specialist may be able to clarify and assist you with the evidence requirement.

Forms - Download Arizona Unclaimed Property forms.

Evidence - See required evidence to submit with your claim form.

How to obtain more information about a property.


To file a claim:

  • A complete claim form

The Unclaimed Property Unit cannot pay claims based on name similarity alone or disclose the type of property or its value before receiving a completed claim.

  • You must provide a clear copy of official photo identification or have your signature on the claim form notarized.

If your name has changed since the property was reported to the State of Arizona, you must provide verification of your name change. The Arizona Unclaimed Property Unit does not release funds based on name similarity alone. You must also provide a social security number or address match. If only one identifier is known to Arizona Department of Revenue, you are required to prove that identifier. If you would like examples of acceptable proof, click here.

  • Please provide proof of your social security number.

Providing your Social Security number (SSN) is optional. However, if you choose not to provide your SSN, there may be insufficient information available to determine whether you are the owner of the unclaimed property held by the Unit and in some cases may result in your claim being denied. If you provide your SSN, the Unit will only disclose it to employees involved in paying your claim and to the federal government as required by law.

  • Please provide proof that you lived at or received mail at the address reported to the State of Arizona as the last known address of the original owner.

If you do not know what address was reported to the State of Arizona, you can complete an inquiry at or you can contact our customer service hotline at (602) 364-0380 or 1-877-492 -9957.

Examples of proof of address

  • Auto Registration
  • College Transcript
  • Marriage Certificate
  • Utility Statement
  • Bank Statement
  • Court Documents
  • Medical Card
  • Insurance Policy
  • Birth Certificate
  • Divorce Decree
  • Old Driver's License
  • Stock Certificate
  • Canceled Check
  • State Income Tax Return
  • Report Card
  • Postmarked Envelope Addressed to You

  • Joint owners must file together unless:
    • One of the owners is deceased. In this case, a copy of the joint owner’s death certificate is required.
    • The owners are now divorced. In this case, a copy of certified divorce decree and complete property settlement are required.
    • The owners have lost contact. In this case, a notarized statement that confirms that the owners had no marital relationship, have lost contact and each listed owner is entitled to an equal portion of the property is required.
  • If you are filing this claim as the agent for the living owner, you are required to prove you are the authorized agent for the owner. Acceptable proof includes:
    • A valid power of attorney agreement.
    • Letters of Office or order issued by the superior court.
    • Letters of acceptance as trustee, Certificate of Trust, or a copy of the Trust which names you as the trustee and gives you the authority to collect the Trustor’s personal property.
    • Birth Certificate and written statement that you are the custodial parent of a minor child unclaimed property owner.
  • To claim on behalf of the deceased owner you must complete the enclosed Affidavit for Collection of Personal Property and return the original notarized form to us. It is imperative that you complete EVERY question on the form and provide the supporting documentation directed for each question answered ‘yes’.
    • If the deceased owner has a valid Will, provide a complete copy of the Will and the Trust (if one is mentioned in the Will) or Certificate of Trust Existence.
    • If a Personal Representative has been appointed or if an appointment is pending. The Personal Representative must be submit the claim and required evidence, including a copy of their Letters of Office certified within the last 60 days.
    • If the decedent’s estate is valued, after leans and encumbrances, above $75,000 Arizona law requires administration in court of competent jurisdiction. Once probate has been initiated the appointed Personal Representative may submit a claim and the required evidence, including a copy of their Letters of Office certified within the last 60 days.

Please note that heirs may choose to assign their rights to another heir of equal succession by indicating their intent, choosing 3B on the affidavit and entering the name of the heir they are assigning to. An heir who is assigning their rights must complete the entire affidavit.

  • If you are filing this claim as the representative of a business, non profit organization, or government agency, you are required to prove that you are authorized to act on behalf of that entity.
    • If the business is a sole proprietorship, you must submit a complete Sole Proprietors’ Affidavit.
    • If the business is a partnership, you must submit your partnership agreement.
    • If your business is a corporation or company (including not-for-profit), you must submit a complete Authorization to Represent Form.
    • If you represent a government agency, you must include a clear copy of your employer issued photo identification.