
Kearny Transaction Privilege Tax & Use Tax Rates

City/Town Name: Kearny                  City Code: KN   Business Code Tax Rate
Advertising 018 4.00%
Amusements 012 4.00%
Contracting-Prime 015 4.00%
Contracting-Speculative Builders 016 4.00%
Contracting-Owner Builder 037 4.00%
Job Printing 010 4.00%
Manufactured Buildings 027 4.00%
Timbering and Other Extraction 020 4.00%
Publication 009 4.00%
Hotels 044 4.00%
Hotel/Motel (Additional Tax) 144 4.00%
Commercial Rental, Leasing & Licensing for Use 213 2.50%
Rental, Leasing & Licensing for Use of TPP 214 4.00%
Restaurants and Bars 011 4.00%
Retail Sales 017 4.00%
Retail Sales Food for Home Consumption 062 4.00%
MRRA Amount 315 4.00%
Communications  005 4.00%
Transporting 006 4.00%
Utilities 004 4.00%
Use Tax Purchases 029 4.00%
Use Tax From Inventory 030 4.00%


Amendments or Special Provisions

1. Impose a 0.00% tax on mining.

2. Impose an additional 3.00% bed tax. Effective October 1, 1990.

3. Impose a 3.50% rate on construction contracting activities, effective October 01, 2006. Impose a 4.00% rate effective July 1, 2009.

4. On November 18, 2019, the Mayor and the Council of the Town of Kearny approved Ordinance No. 19-213 to increase the Transaction Privilege Tax (TPT) rate from three percent (3.00%) to four percent (4.00%).

This Ordinance also removed Model Option 15 which added two new rates: Use Tax Purchases (029) and Use Tax From Inventory (030) at four percent (4.00%). This Ordinance also adopted Local Option JJ which exempts the Town of Kearny from Use Tax.

This change has an effective date of January 1, 2020.

History of Rate Changes

Transaction Privilege Tax

4.00% (effective January 1, 2020)

3.00% (effective July 1, 2011)

2.50% (effective October 1, 2006);

2.00% (effective August 1, 1993);

1.00% (effective  February 1, 1974


Contact Name
Town Manager
Contact Number
(520) 363-5547
Resolution Officer
Town Manager
Resolution Officer Number
(520) 363-5547
Department of Revenue
Renewal Fee
License Fee
Criminal Penalty
Class One
City Address

P.O. Box 639
Kearny, AZ 85137
United States

Date Code Effective
December 17, 1987
Transaction Privilege Tax %
4.00% (effective January 1, 2020)
Use Tax %
4.00% (effective January 1, 2020)
Local Options
Model Options