Establish a Payment Plan Today for Unpaid Individual Tax
Phoenix, AZ—The 2022 tax season bill notices for unpaid individual income tax liability are being sent to taxpayers. By making a payment as soon as possible, taxpayers can avoid further penalties and interest. Taxpayers who did not submit for an extension by the due date should file their tax return by October 17 even if they cannot pay the balance in full.
For taxpayers unable to pay their individual income tax liability in full, the Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) offers a convenient way to request a payment plan and manage their liability through the AZTaxes.gov website. Under the Individual menu, simply select Request a Payment Plan.
A payment plan is an arrangement with ADOR to pay tax debt within an agreed upon timeframe. Through AZTaxes, taxpayers can quickly and easily set up a payment plan. It also reduces the number of calls and paper submissions to be processed.
What you should know if considering a payment plan:
- If a bill has been received for the tax period in question, then the process to establish a payment plan request in ADOR’s system will take up to 4 weeks.
- If you have not received a bill for the tax period in question, then the process to establish a payment plan request in ADOR’s system will take up to 8 weeks.
- While on a payment plan, taxpayers must not incur any new liabilities, but will continue to incur interest until the outstanding liability is paid in full.
- Payments must be made on time through AZTaxes.gov.
- If the payment plan defaults, ADOR can and will enforce without notice through a levy and/or lien action.
Owe on your state taxes and cannot pay? Additional instructions and details on the process can be found at https://azdor.gov/collections-individuals/payment-arrangement-individuals. View our video tutorial for further assistance.
Monday, August 22, 2022