Form 1099-G Now Available for Reporting State Income Payment
Phoenix, AZ—Form 1099-G is now available online to search, download, and print by going to www.AZTaxes.gov, clicking on the “View My 1099-G” link, and providing the necessary information.
The Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) is required by federal law to issue this form to taxpayers as an informational statement since the income must be reported on the income tax return. Form 1099-G reports the amount of refunds, credits, or offsets of state income tax ADOR paid to the taxpayer in a tax year. This amount may be taxable and ADOR provides the Form 1099-G information to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).
ADOR will issue a 2021 Form 1099-G if:
- You itemized deductions on your 2020 federal Form 1040, Schedule A, and
- The 2020 Arizona income tax payments for the tax year exceeded your actual tax liability.
ADOR provides the Form 1099-G electronically for several reasons, including:
- To keep sensitive information from being mailed to an old address;
- To provide taxpayers with 24/7 access to their tax documents by giving them the ability to download it instantly;
- To save money by using less paper, avoiding printing and mailing costs, postage, and returned mail.
In addition to using the “View My 1099-G” link, taxpayers can also verify the refund amount by reviewing their 2020 Arizona individual income tax return.
Anyone lacking a computer, internet access or unable to print their Form 1099-G, can request a copy by contacting the Department’s Customer Care Center at (602) 255-3381, or toll-free 800-352-4090. The Department has also established a secure email address for taxpayer use.
Be advised that claimants who received unemployment benefits in Arizona in 2021 will receive a Form 1099-G from the Arizona Department of Economic Security, not the Arizona Department of Revenue.
For frequently asked questions, see the AZTaxes.gov FAQs page.
Wednesday, January 26, 2022