Latest Meetings

Pursuant to A.R.S. § 38-431.02, notices of open meetings are posted at the main entrance of the Department of Revenue Building, 1600 West Monroe, Phoenix AZ just outside the lobby doors. The building is open to the public from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, except legal holidays.

All current notices can be viewed below:

In addition, the electronic archive of past notices for the  Economic Estimates Commission, Property Tax Oversight Commission, Municipal Tax Code Commission and the Education, Training & Certification Advisory Committee (and the Debt Oversight Commission prior to July 3, 2015) can be viewed on the past notices link below.

View Past Notices

Title Meeting Date Agenda Minutes
Notice of Meeting - Education, Training and Certification Advisory Committee (March 2021) to
NOTICE OF MEETING -- Economic Estimates Commission (February 2021) to Agenda Minutes
NOTICE OF MEETING -- Economic Estimates Commission (January 2021) to Agenda Minutes
NOTICE OF MEETING -- Property Tax Oversight Commission (December 2020) to Agenda Minutes
NOTICE OF MEETING -- Economic Estimates Commission (October 2020) to Agenda Minutes
Notice of Meeting - Education, Training and Certification Advisory Committee to
NOTICE OF MEETING -- Property Tax Oversight Commission (September 2020) to Agenda Minutes
NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING -- Property Tax Oversight Commission (August 2020) to Agenda Minutes
NOTICE OF MEETING -- Property Tax Oversight Commission (July 2020) to Agenda Minutes
NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING -- Economic Estimates Commission (May 2020) to Agenda Minutes
NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING -- Economic Estimates Commission (March 2020) to Agenda Minutes
Education, Training and Certification Advisory Committee (Feb 2020) to
NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING -- Economic Estimates Commission (February 2020) to Agenda Minutes
NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING -- Economic Estimates Commission (January 2020) to Agenda Minutes
NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING -- Municipal Tax Code Commission (MTCC) Meeting (November 2019) to
NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING --Education, Training and Certification Advisory Committee (June 2019) to
NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING -- Education, Training and Certification Advisory Committee (Mar. 2019) to
Notice of Property Management Company Meeting to
NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING -- Municipal Tax Code Commission (MTCC) Meeting -- Rescheduled to
NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING Revised -- Municipal Tax Code Commission (MTCC) Meeting to