Evidence - Business entity

Please submit the following evidence to support your claim:
Provide the additional evidence required for each question answered yes. | |
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This business is or was a sole proprietorship.Please provide verification of your affiliation with the business such as a business license and a completed Sole Proprietorship Affidavit.
This business is a partnership.Please provide proof that the mailing address in item #4 of the claim form belongs to one of the partners and a copy of the partnership agreement.
This business is a corporation.Please provide proof that the mailing address in item #4 of the claim form belongs to the corporation, a completed Power of Attorney, for the person claiming, indicating in section 4 or 5 the authorization to collect unclaimed property.
Also submit the following evidence to support your claim: | |
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You must provide a clear copy of your official photo identification or have the claim form notarized. |
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You must provide proof of your business Federal Employee's Identification Number (FEIN). |
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Please provide verification that the entity claiming received mail at the address reported to the State of Examples of address proof include: