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Social Media




The Arizona Department of Revenue is thrilled to have the opportunity to interact with the public and offer helpful tax-related guidance. 

While we encourage taxpayers to engage on ADOR's social media platforms, we ask for complete respect for everyone on the platforms.

ADOR does not endorse every comment that is posted. Comments posted to ADOR's networks represent the opinions of the individuals providing the statements, not ADOR's views, positions, or policies. Our goal is to share ADOR's news, events, tips, and other general tax assistance with taxpayers and to have an open forum where individuals can provide their input. 

ADOR uses social media as a two-way communication tool. Still, comments may be disabled on public service announcements made through social media, including, but not limited to, matters of public safety, emergencies, and information that may be sensitive. 

The Arizona Department of Revenue is committed to engaging in the conversation on tax-related topics and upholding transparency, participation, and respectful feedback practices. 


Best Practices

ADOR provides the following general guidance:


  • Treat other users -- both other citizens and ADOR -- with courtesy and respect.  
  • ADOR will give clarity to incorrect information in a polite, professional manner.



  • Speak on behalf of the Department unless you are authorized to do so. ADOR administers Arizona's tax system based on laws passed and signed by the governor. ADOR's social media content is considered official and is based on factual statements. 
  • Believe everything on social media is accurate. ADOR staff and other citizens may share and post regarding ADOR, but ADOR's official social media accounts override personal accounts.
  • Post confidential taxpayer information, including but not limited to; social security number, bank information, phone number, and email address. 

Protect Your Identity

At ADOR, we treat detecting and stopping fraud with paramount importance. We use these networks to share public, general information. We will never ask for your personal or financial information. Don't post your social security number, license number, bank information, or other confidential data on social media. Take steps to protect your identity online and stay alert. We do not address personal tax or account questions on social media; instead, we ask you to send details to an authorized email address.

Comment Policy

Since social media constantly evolves, we welcome feedback and suggestions to improve the taxpayer experience.

ADOR respects different viewpoints and thoughts; therefore, ADOR does not control users' comments on our social media accounts. This means anyone can comment on our pages or reply, creating a respectful space for citizens to seek help and abide by the social media platform's policies.

Communications made through an ADOR social media site will in no way constitute a legal or official notice or comment to ADOR or any ADOR official for any purpose. 

Comments may be hidden or removed on ADOR's social media accounts if they:

  • Contain profane language;
  • Makes threatening or defamatory statements;
  • Contain hate speech directed against any demographic;
  • Contain sensitive or personally identifiable information; or
  • Promote or endorse specific commercial services or products.


The Department strives to be one of the top revenue/taxation state agencies on social media platforms. We are continually improving and learning how to use social media platforms to engage with the public. The following information defines the broad ADOR strategy for social media use.

Like other public-facing communication resources, we are committed to timely responses and valuable resources. We post 1-2 times a day and regularly reach audiences of hundreds of thousands of users. Our standard response time is a few hours, but in some cases, we respond within one business day. Additionally, ADOR does not guarantee a response to all comments and messages.

Records Management

Please be aware that all comments are subject to disclosure as public records. All content generated by ADOR is subject to the Arizona State Library, Archives, and Public Records for retention, storage, and publication.

Emergency Use

In an emergency, social media accounts will be used following the ADOR Continuity of Operations Plan, ensuring that the agency's public information response to an emergency is responsive, accurate, sensitive, and responsible. ADOR Communications will coordinate all crisis communications through ADOR's Executive Leadership's COOP and will work with the Governor's Office, the Arizona Department of Administration Communications, and the Department of Emergency and Military Affairs as part of response coordination (depending on the emergency).

Our social media accounts are monitored during business hours, and citizens should not utilize our social media accounts to seek emergency services. Anyone in need of emergency help should call 911.