Tips for Renewal of TPT Licenses on AZTaxes.gov
December 2, 2021
The Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) appreciates that businesses want to renew their Transaction Privilege Tax (TPT) License on time and efficiently. In an effort to assist taxpayers through the process and reduce errors, ADOR has prepared several tips.
- Businesses with more than one location will not receive a paper form for renewal and must renew their licenses online at AZTaxes.gov.
- TPT licenses are valid for one calendar year, from January 1 through December 31. Licenses renewed within the current year must still be renewed.
- ADOR recommends cleaning up and updating business accounts before renewing.
- Update the corporate officer or owner through a Business Account Update form.
- ADOR provides a video tutorial on completing a license renewal on AZTaxes, here.
- If you do not see the renewal option within your account, you may have not linked your account to your TPT license or the primary user has not given you access to renew the license. See AZTaxes User Access for more information on primary and delegate users.
- Verify with the primary user who is responsible to renew the license. If renewal is already completed, no further action is required.
- Pay renewal fees online under “Pay,” then “Pay Outstanding Liabilities.” Renewal fees cannot be paid by credit card.
- If you received a paper renewal form, remit your payment with the entire Renewal Form, including "2022 Renewals" and your license number on the paper check.
- Licenses that are not renewed will not be canceled. To cancel your existing TPT license, use the Account Update option on AZTaxes.gov or submit a Business Account Update form with a cancel effective date.
Check out the Arizona Department of Revenue’s FAQs page at https://azdor.gov/
Thursday, December 2, 2021