
All registered AZTaxes.gov business users will see a new login screen.

AZTaxes users will now notice a new login screen method. To keep your access and information secure, we are updating our login options to support AZTaxes and eAZ logins. Registered users will be asked to enter their email address before clicking “Next” to be taken to a page to enter their login credentials.  


Taxpayers can file now and schedule payments up until the deadline.

The Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) reminds transaction privilege tax filers that monthly and quarterly returns are due.  Filing before the deadline is highly encouraged in the event assistance is required.


The Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) is preparing for the upcoming 2024 Arizona Transaction Privilege Tax (TPT) License renewal season. 

Businesses will start to receive notifications in November to renew their license by January 1. Penalties may apply to renewals received after January 31.


The Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) and Code for America today announced a landmark partnership giving eligible Arizona individual taxpayers a new way to e-file their taxes for free in 2024.


Phoenix, AZ—The due date for the 2022 calendar year returns filed with extensions is almost here. Individual income taxpayers who received a filing extension--and have yet to file a return--have until Monday, October 16 to submit their tax returns. Arizona corporate calendar year timely filers (Forms 120, 120A, 99T, and 99M) have until November 15. Partnership and S corporation returns were due September 15; fiduciary returns were due September 30.


Governor Hobbs recently signed Senate Bill 1734 approving Arizona Families Tax Rebate to Arizona residents who meet the requirements.