TPT Tutorials

Whether you are starting a business, or you have an existing business, the Arizona Department of Revenue offers the information and resources you need to be successful. We provide transaction privilege tax (sales) tutorials and resources to assist you from the office or home. Compatible Web Browsers

  • Google Chrome
  • Firefox
  • Internet Explorer

At this time, users continue to report unpredictable results when using Safari.

This step-by-step guide will help you with new user registration and setting up your account, CLICK HERE.


This step-by-step guide will walk you through completing your transaction privilege tax return online at As a reminder, a business must be registered in and have a Username and Password to access the website.
DOWNLOAD Printable Step-by-Step Instructions

View the videos on our YouTube! channel

Common TPT Errors and How to Avoid them
Learn how to avoid common mistakes when filing a TPT return.


License Renewal with Fee
How to complete a license renewal on


New User Registration
How to register for an user profile.


Linking an Existing Business Tax Account to Your User Profile
How to link your existing business tax account to your user profile.


Requesting Delegate Access
How to request delegate access on


Authorizing Delegate Access
How a primary user approves a delegate access request.


Filing a Transaction Privilege and Use Tax Return
Filing a transaction privilege and use tax return electronically at


Electronic Payment
Making an electronic payment.


Understanding Location Codes
This tutorial will introduce you to the location codes that will be used on the new Arizona transaction privilege tax reporting forms.


Complete the Arizona Paper TPT-EZ Form
Learn how to complete the department’s new TPT-EZ form for reporting TPT tax liabilities for only one business location.


Registering Out-of-State Watercrafts and Boats in Arizona
Are you registering a boat or watercraft in Arizona? Did you make your purchase out of state? You may be required to pay use tax before registering you purchase with the Arizona Game and Fish Department.



How to Complete a Paper Business Account Update Form
Learn how to complete a Business Account Update Form for changes you need to make to your business information.


Adding a Location to your Business Profile Using
Step-by-step instructions on how to add a location your business account on AZTaxes.

Welcome Property Management Companies
Welcome to the Arizona Department of Revenue PMC Resource Video. We go over helpful guidance, workshops, and important documents to check out.


PMC Checklist (PDF)
Checklist for PMCs to onboard and offboard property owner licenses properly.


PMC Filing and Paying Tutorial (PDF)
Learn how to file and pay TPT returns for property management companies.
Download and open in Acrobat or PDF reader, not in web browser.


Annual Renewal Checklist (PDF)
Checklist to assist when renewing bulk TPT licenses.

Arizona Tax Rate Look Up Resource is a resource that can be used to find the transaction privilege tax rates for any location within the State of Arizona. Use the physical address or the zip code, or if it is unknown, the Map Locator link can be used to find the location. Select the appropriate business description and the state/county and city (if applicable) transaction privilege tax rates along with the business codes needed to report your transaction will be displayed. Internet Explorer, Chrome and Firefox currently support this feature.

This tutorial will show you how to determine the correct transaction privilege tax (TPT) rate applicable to your transaction(s). It is important to check the Arizona Department of Revenue website periodically for the most recent version of the TPT rate tables to ensure you are using the correct rates.

This tutorial is designed to provide information on how to correctly complete the Arizona Department of Revenue Form 285, General Disclosure/Representation Authorization Form. A taxpayer may use Arizona Form 285 to authorize the department to release confidential information to the taxpayer’s Appointee. With this information you will have a better understanding of how to complete and file this form.


POA Overview Form 285


Power of Attorney
How to Authorize the Department to Disclose Tax Information and How to Appoint a Representative on Tax Matters using Arizona Form 285 Series