*This information is for Model City Tax Code purposes only


Model City Tax Code



Local Option E

Make issuance of license conditional on meeting all other City Code provisions.  Replace Sec. ___-305(d) with:

(d) Licenses shall not be issued until all legal requirements are met.  It shall be a condition precedent to the issuance of a license that all statutes, ordinances, regulations, and other requirements affecting the public peace, health, and safety be complied with in total.

(Local Option #F).  Make license only 1-year in duration.  Replace Sec. ___-310(d) with:

(d) Any taxpayer who fails to renew his license on or before the date provided in subsection (a) above shall be deemed to be operating without a license after such date and until the appropriate application for renewal and a renewal fee of dollars ($ .00) has been received by the Tax Collector.



Peoria Transaction Privilege Tax & Use Tax Rates City/Town Name: Peoria City Code: PE Business Code Tax Rate Advertising 018 1.80% Amusements 012 2.80


Prescott Transaction Privilege Tax & Use Tax Rates City/Town Name: Prescott City Code: PR Business Code Tax Rate Advertising 018 2.00% Amusements 012


Quartzsite Transaction Privilege Tax Rates City/Town Name: Quartzsite City Code: QZ Business Code Tax Rate Amusements 012 2.50% Contracting-Prime 015


Scottsdale Transaction Privilege Tax & Use Tax Rates City/Town Name: Scottsdale City Code: SC Business Code Tax Rate Advertising 018 1.75% Amusements

St. Johns

St. Johns Transaction Privilege Tax & Use Tax Rates City/Town Name: St. Johns City Code: SJ Business Code Tax Rate Advertising 018 3.00% Amusements


Tempe Transaction Privilege Tax & Use Tax Rates City/Town Name: Tempe City Code: TE Business Code Tax Rate Advertising 018 1.80% Amusements 012 1.80%


Tolleson Transaction Privilege Tax Rates City/Town Name: Tolleson City Code: TN Business Code Tax Rate Amusements 012 2.50% Contracting-Prime 015 2.50


Wickenburg Transaction Privilege Tax Rates City/Town Name: Wickenburg City Code: WB Business Code Tax Rate Advertising 018 2.20% Amusements 012 2.20%