News Center

Phoenix, AZ—In our continuing efforts to serve and support Arizona’s taxpayers, ADOR’s Customer Care will be offering extended hours to assist individual filers this...

Taxpayers can file now and schedule payments up until the deadline.

The Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) reminds transaction privilege tax (TPT) filers that monthly ...

Phoenix, AZ—With the deadline to file 2024 individual tax returns fast approaching on April 15, 2025, taxpayers have just one more month to make...

Phoenix, AZ – From miscalculations to forgetting critical information, the Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) sees common mistakes each year when filing their individual income...

Phoenix, AZ – Individual taxpayers who use Form 1099-R to report retirement income are now eligible to use Direct File for their federal and Arizona...

Taxpayers can file now and schedule payments up until the deadline.

The Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) reminds transaction privilege tax (TPT) filers that monthly ...

Phoenix, AZ – Common tax errors and mistakes can lead to processing delays and frustration for individuals and...

Phoenix, AZ – Individuals can now access the Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) online portal to search, download, and print 1099-MISC and 1099-G forms through...

Phoenix, AZ – The Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) is now accepting individual income tax returns for tax year 2024, marking the beginning of Arizona's...

Taxpayers can file now and schedule payments up until the deadline.

The Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) reminds transaction privilege tax (TPT) filers that monthly...

Phoenix, AZ – With the opening of tax season beginning on January 27, the Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) is pleased to continue its participation...

Taxpayers can file now and schedule payments up until the deadline.

The Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) reminds transaction privilege tax filers that monthly returns...

Phoenix, AZ – The Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) reminds businesses they are required to renew their transaction privilege tax (TPT) license before January 1, 2025...

Phoenix, AZ – An estimated 1.14 million Arizonans will have the option to file their taxes through Direct File this upcoming tax season, and now a new...

Phoenix, AZ—The Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) announces the elimination of transaction privilege tax (TPT) applicable to the rental of real estate for residential...

Phoenix, AZ—The Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) has a goal to help taxpayers reduce errors and streamline the Transaction Privilege Tax (TPT) License renewal...

Taxpayers can file now and schedule payments up until the deadline.

The Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) reminds transaction privilege tax filers that monthly returns...

The Arizona Department of Revenue’s 2024 annual report, highlighting the agency’s accomplishments over the past fiscal year is available online.

Phoenix, AZ—November means the beginning of the Arizona Transaction Privilege Tax (TPT) License renewals season for businesses. The Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) is...

Phoenix, AZ—The Arizona Department of Revenue cautions taxpayers to be aware and don’t get haunted by “ghost” prepared returns this Halloween season or any...

Taxpayers can file now and schedule payments up until the deadline.

The Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) reminds transaction privilege tax filers that monthly and...

Phoenix, AZ—The Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) will soon be mailing or emailing renewal notices to business owners advising them to renew their Arizona...

IRS Direct File Expanding to Include More Tax Circumstances

Phoenix, AZ – This 2025 tax filing season, more Arizonans will be eligible to file their...

Phoenix, AZ—The Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) is providing this important reminder to individual income filers who received a state tax-filing extension--and have yet...

Taxpayers can file now and schedule payments up until the deadline.

The Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) reminds transaction privilege tax filers that monthly returns...

Taxpayers can file now and schedule payments up until the deadline.

The Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) reminds transaction privilege tax filers that monthly returns...

Phoenix, AZ— The 2025 tax season may seem far off into the future, but now is the perfect time to keep up on the...

Phoenix, AZ—The Arizona Department of Revenue’s (ADOR) Unclaimed Property program returned a record $88 million to rightful owners in fiscal year 2024 (July 1...

Taxpayers can file now and schedule payments up until the deadline.

The Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) reminds transaction privilege tax filers that monthly and...

Phoenix, AZ—The Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) is excited to announce that we have been named as one of the 2024 Top Companies to...

Phoenix, AZ—The Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) will now email notices to businesses who have missed filing a return, missed a payment, or need...

Phoenix, AZ—The Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) informs construction contractors that the Annual Bond Exemption program began its run on July 1, and expires...

The Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) is currently sending bill notices to taxpayers with an unpaid individual income tax liability for the 2023 tax year...

Taxpayers can file now and schedule payments up until the deadline.

The Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) reminds transaction privilege tax filers that monthly returns...

Taxpayers can file now and schedule payments up until the deadline.

The Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) reminds transaction privilege tax filers that monthly returns...

Phoenix, AZ – The 2024 tax season gave Arizona taxpayers a new way to file their returns through the Direct File pilot program, with an...

Phoenix, AZ—The Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) is sending renewal billing letters to businesses with overdue renewal fees. Businesses must pay their past 2024...

Phoenix, AZ – National Small Business Week is April 28-May 4 and the Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) is encouraging small business owners to take...

Phoenix, AZ—Now that you have filed your Arizona individual income tax return, you can check your state refund status online at and see...

Taxpayers can file now and schedule payments up until the deadline.

The Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) reminds transaction privilege tax filers that monthly and...

Phoenix, AZ—The Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) is reminding taxpayers that there is one week left to file and pay before this year’s deadline...

Taxpayers can file now and schedule payments up until the deadline.

The Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) reminds transaction privilege tax filers that monthly returns...

Phoenix, AZ—The Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) reminds taxpayers that one month away on Monday, April 15, 2024 returns are due. ADOR recommends filing...

Phoenix, AZ—The Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) encourages taxpayers to learn from these top ten errors when filing an individual income return to avoid...

Platform offers eligible taxpayers a new option to file electronically for free

Phoenix, AZ – The Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) is announcing that the...

Phoenix, AZ—On March 8, 2022, the Arizona Supreme Court issued a decision that the two-tiered Pinal County transportation excise tax levied by the Pinal...

Phoenix, AZ—The Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) will hold its annual public auction of unclaimed property items from abandoned safe deposit boxes beginning Wednesday...

Phoenix, AZ—As individuals gather the documents, statements, and receipts in preparation of filing a tax return, many are looking to obtain taxpayer filing assistance...

Taxpayers can file now and schedule payments up until the deadline.

The Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) reminds transaction privilege tax filers that monthly returns...

Phoenix, AZ—Tax season can be overwhelming for individuals and families with errors causing processing delays leading to frustration. For most taxpayers, following these tips...

Phoenix, AZ—This tax season, the Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) is adding Form 1099-MISC to its online portal to search, download, and print 1099...

Phoenix, AZ—The Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) is now accepting individual income tax returns for tax year 2023 marking the beginning of Arizona's 2024...

Phoenix, AZ—Employers must submit all withholding returns electronically - Form A1-R, 1099s, and W-2s (A.R.S. § 43-323(F)) - except Form 1099-S. The deadline for...

Taxpayers can file now and schedule payments up until the deadline.

The Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) reminds transaction privilege tax filers that monthly, quarterly...

Form 1099-MISC Available End of January for Rebate Recipients

Phoenix, AZ—The Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) is sending this information to assist taxpayers as...

Taxpayers can file now and schedule payments up until the deadline.

The Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) reminds transaction privilege tax filers that monthly returns...

Phoenix, AZ—As a reminder, businesses are required to renew their transaction privilege tax (TPT) license before January 1, 2024 to continue conducting business in...

Phoenix, AZ—In an effort to reduce errors and streamline the process of renewing a Transaction Privilege Tax (TPT) License, Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR)...

Taxpayers can file now and schedule payments up until the deadline.

The Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) reminds transaction privilege tax filers that monthly returns...

With the fall, comes the season of Arizona Transaction Privilege Tax (TPT) License renewals. The Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) is mailing letters to businesses...

All registered business users will see a new login screen.

AZTaxes users will now notice a new login screen method. To keep your access...

Taxpayers can file now and schedule payments up until the deadline.

The Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) reminds transaction privilege tax filers that monthly and...

The Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) is preparing for the upcoming 2024 Arizona Transaction Privilege Tax (TPT) License renewal season. 

Businesses will start to receive...

The Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) and Code for America today announced a landmark partnership giving eligible Arizona individual taxpayers a new way to e-file...

Phoenix, AZ—The due date for the 2022 calendar year returns filed with extensions is almost here. Individual income taxpayers who received a filing extension--and...

Governor Hobbs recently signed Senate Bill 1734 approving Arizona Families Tax Rebate to Arizona residents who meet the requirements.

  • If you are an Arizona resident...

Taxpayers can file now and schedule payments up until the deadline.

The Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) reminds transaction privilege tax filers that monthly returns...

Read the Department’s Update on PRTA Tax Refund March 1, 2024 statement here.

Phoenix, AZ—Since the Arizona Supreme Court’s invalidation of Pinal County’s...

Phoenix, AZ—Bill notices for unpaid 2023 individual income tax liability are being sent to taxpayers. For individuals who cannot afford to pay their individual...

Taxpayers can file now and schedule payments up until the deadline.

The Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) reminds transaction privilege tax filers that monthly returns...

2023 Arizona Tax Conference Set for August 23-25

Phoenix, AZ—The Arizona Department of Revenue and the Arizona Association of Assessing Officers are co-sponsoring the...

Taxpayers can file now and schedule payments up until the deadline.

The Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) reminds transaction privilege tax filers that monthly and...

PHOENIX, AZ – Arizona Capitol Times, Best Companies Group, and BestCompaniesAZ announced today that the Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) has earned a spot on...

Phoenix, AZ—In the spirit of continuous improvement, the Arizona Department of Revenue would like to inform construction contractors that the Annual Bond Exemption program...

Taxpayers can file now and schedule payments up until the deadline.

The Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) reminds transaction privilege tax filers that monthly returns...

Phoenix, AZ—As a part of the typical spring cleaning process, the Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) reminds taxpayers to keep well-organized records and to...

Taxpayers can file now and schedule payments up until the deadline.

The Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) reminds transaction privilege tax filers that monthly returns...

Co-Owners of Teakwoods to pay nearly $3 million in restitution and fines and serve jail time for failing to pay tax.

Phoenix, AZ–The former...

Phoenix, AZ—The Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) urges businesses to pay their past 2023 Transaction Privilege Tax (TPT) License renewal fees or additional penalties...

Phoenix, AZ—Owe on your state taxes and cannot pay? For taxpayers unable to pay their individual income tax liability in full, the Arizona Department...

Taxpayers can file now and schedule payments up until the deadline.

The Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) reminds transaction privilege tax filers that monthly and...

Phoenix, AZ—Facing a loved one's passing is complex, and the Arizona Department of Revenue wants to make it easier to file on behalf of...

Phoenix, AZ—With just one week until the April 18 filing due date, the Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) would like to remind taxpayers to...

Phoenix, AZ—The Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) reminds individuals they have until the tax deadline of April 18 to make donations to qualified charitable...

Phoenix, AZ—If you paid your tax liability by paper check, and the Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) has yet to cash your paper check...

Taxpayers can file now and schedule payments up until the deadline.

The Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) reminds transaction privilege tax filers that monthly returns...

Phoenix, AZ—The Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) wants to remind you that tax returns are due on Tuesday, April 18, 2023, which is one...

Phoenix, AZ— As we are nearing two months into tax season, the Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) would like to share the top ten errors...

Phoenix, AZ—Homeowners who installed a solar energy device in their residential home during 2022 are advised to submit Form 310, Credit for Solar...

Phoenix, AZ—The Arizona Department of Revenue recommends that taxpayers practice due diligence when selecting a tax preparer this tax season. Whether you prepare your...

Phoenix, AZ—Electronic filing makes it easy for taxpayers to file both federal and state individual income tax returns with fewer mistakes and quicker processing...

Taxpayers can file now and schedule payments up until the deadline.

The Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) reminds transaction privilege tax filers that monthly returns...

Phoenix, AZ—Co-defendants Bobby Hodge and Cherylin Hodge, owners of HobNob’s in downtown Phoenix, have been ordered to pay restitution and fines totaling nearly $92,000...

Phoenix, AZ—Taxpayers can now search, download, and print their Form 1099-G online through by clicking on the “View My 1099-G” link and providing...

Phoenix, AZ—The Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) today announced the beginning of Arizona's 2023 electronic tax season for 2022 tax year returns. Improving the...

Taxpayers can file now and schedule payments up until the deadline.

The Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) reminds transaction privilege tax filers that monthly returns...

PHOENIX--The Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) will hold an online public auction of unclaimed property items from abandoned safe deposit boxes beginning Wednesday, January 25...

Phoenix, AZ—The Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) has updated the Employee’s Arizona Withholding Election form (Arizona Form A-4) to reflect Arizona's seven...

Phoenix, AZ—The Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) is reminding employers they are required each year to submit to ADOR copies of all the W-2s...

Taxpayers can file now and schedule payments up until the deadline.

The Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) reminds transaction privilege tax filers that monthly returns...

Electronic Submission of Withholding W-2s and 1099s


Phoenix, AZ—The Arizona Department of Revenue has taken steps to make submitting W-2s and 1099s easier...

Phoenix, AZ—The Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) is advising businesses to renew their transaction privilege tax (TPT) licenses, which are due January 1, 2023...

Phoenix, AZ—The Arizona Department of Revenue would like to inform taxpayers of the tax year 2022 annual adjustments for Arizona standard deductions, new tax...

Phoenix, AZ—The Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) is assisting businesses with renewing their Transaction Privilege Tax (TPT) License promptly and efficiently. Renewals are due...

Taxpayers can file now and schedule payments up until the deadline.

The Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) reminds transaction privilege tax filers that monthly returns...

The Department has released a new set of draft guidelines and guidance specific to qualified charitable organizations (QCOs). The deadline for comments is December 19...

The Arizona Department of Revenue’s 2022 annual report, highlighting the agency’s accomplishments over the past fiscal year is available online.



Phoenix, AZ – The Arizona Department of Revenue’s (ADOR) Unclaimed Property program is seeking members of the U.S. military who have unclaimed property or funds...

Phoenix, AZ—The Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) is mailing renewal letters to businesses for their 2023 Arizona Transaction Privilege Tax (TPT). If a taxpayer...

Employee Tax Withholding Form A-4 Updated to Reflect Lower Rates

Phoenix, AZ—Arizona's Individual Income Tax Withholding Form (Arizona Form A-4) has been updated to...

Phoenix, AZ—The Arizona Department of Revenue cautions taxpayers to be aware and don’t get haunted by “ghost” prepared returns this Halloween season or any...

Taxpayers can file now and schedule payments up until the deadline.

The Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) reminds transaction privilege tax filers that monthly and...

Phoenix, AZ—The Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) is planning for the upcoming 2023 Arizona Transaction Privilege Tax (TPT) License renewal season.

Notifications will begin...

Phoenix, AZ—The Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) reminds individual income taxpayers who received a 2021 calendar year tax filing extension--and have yet to file--have...

Taxpayers can file now and schedule payments up until the deadline.

The Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) reminds transaction privilege tax filers that monthly returns...

Phoenix, AZ—Partnership and S corporation taxpayers can now make their required third quarter pass-through entity tax payment electronically using, under Quick Payment...

Phoenix, AZ—The 2022 tax season bill notices for unpaid individual income tax liability are being sent to taxpayers. By making a payment as soon...

Taxpayers can file now and schedule payments up until the deadline.

The Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) reminds transaction privilege tax filers that monthly returns...

Phoenix, AZ—As the weather heats up, taxpayers may be interested in buying recreational vehicles. The Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) reminds purchasers and sellers...

Taxpayers can file now and schedule payments up until the deadline.

The Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) reminds transaction privilege tax filers that monthly and...

Phoenix, AZ—Connie Cozzolino, tax preparer and owner of Connie’s Tax Services, was sentenced today to 30 days in jail and ordered to pay restitution...

Phoenix, AZ—The Arizona Department of Revenue is excited to announce that it has been named among the “Top Companies to Work for in Arizona”...

Phoenix, AZ—Construction Contractors - The Annual Bond Exemption will expire on July 31. The Arizona Department of Revenue is no longer issuing paper Annual...

Taxpayers can file now and schedule payments up until the deadline.

The Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) reminds transaction privilege tax filers that monthly returns...

Phoenix, AZ—The Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) advises taxpayers to only make online payments through ADOR’s official payment website, For card payments...

Phoenix, AZ—Check your withholding amount to avoid a surprise at tax time. Too little withheld means a bigger paycheck but a smaller refund or...

In the current review-and-comment period for ADOR’s draft guidelines on the tax credit program for qualifying charitable organizations (QCOs) and qualifying foster care charitable organizations...

Taxpayers can file now and schedule payments up until the deadline.

The Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) reminds transaction privilege tax filers that monthly returns...

Phoenix, AZ—For taxpayers unable to pay their individual income tax liability in full, the Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) offers a convenient way to...

Taxpayers can file now and schedule payments up until the deadline.

The Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) reminds transaction privilege tax filers that monthly and...

Phoenix, AZ—With just a week left until the April 18 filing due date, the Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) would like to remind taxpayers...

Phoenix, AZ—Taxpayers wanting to make donations to qualified charitable organizations and claim the Arizona tax credits on their 2021 Arizona individual income tax return...

Phoenix, AZ—The Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) administers several offset programs that use an individual’s tax refund and applies it to outstanding tax liabilities...

Phoenix, AZ—Beginning April 1, the Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) will be sending renewal billing letters to businesses with overdue renewal fees. Renewals were...

Read the Department’s Update on PRTA Tax Refund March 1, 2024 statement here.

Read the Department’s August 30, 2023 statement here.

Phoenix, AZ—...

Phoenix, AZ—The Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) reminds small businesses they may elect to file a separate small business income tax return to report...

Phoenix, AZ—Identity theft occurs year-round but the Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) advises taxpayers to be on heightened alert during tax season. Combating tax...

Phoenix, AZ–The Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) wants to remind you that income tax returns are due one month from today, on Monday, April...

Taxpayers can file now and schedule payments up until the deadline.

The Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) reminds transaction privilege tax filers that monthly returns...

Phoenix, AZ—In our continuing efforts to serve and support Arizona’s taxpayers, ADOR’s Customer Care will be offering extended hours to assist individual filers this...

Phoenix, AZ—Homeowners who installed a solar energy device in their residential home during 2021 are advised to submit Form 310, Credit for Solar...

Phoenix, AZ—The Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) offers common answers and assistance this tax season as filing taxes can be complex and may lead...

Phoenix, AZ—The Arizona Department of Revenue is issuing the following guidance for taxpayers who are affected by the recent Maricopa County Superior Court ruling...

Phoenix, AZ—The Arizona Department of Revenue would like to remind taxpayers to verify that they are using the correct address when filing taxes to...

Phoenix, AZ—Santos Hernandez, owner-operator of Flash Auto Sales, was ordered today to pay restitution and fines totaling $115,622, and to serve three years of...

First and second quarter Arizona estimated tax payments are not required in 2022 for partnerships or S corporations making the pass-through entity election under A.R.S...

Taxpayers can file now and schedule payments up until the deadline.

The Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) reminds transaction privilege tax filers that monthly returns...

Phoenix, AZ—E-file is a cooperative tax filing program that makes it possible for taxpayers to file both federal and state individual income tax returns...

Phoenix, AZ—Co-defendants Julie Meeker, Jimmie McBride, and Mother Bunch Brewing Inc. were ordered today to pay restitution and fines totaling nearly $657,000 for failing...

Phoenix, AZ—Edward Topping and Marites Topping agreed to probation, and to jointly pay nearly $202,500 in unpaid transaction privilege tax (TPT) and fines of...

Phoenix, AZ—The Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) presents a variety of free filing services for taxpayers this tax filing season. Taxpayers are strongly encouraged...

PHOENIX—Jermaine Lewter was sentenced to the Arizona Department of Corrections for a term of one and a half years for failing to file an Arizona...

Phoenix—The Arizona Department of Revenue is encouraging taxpayers to practice due diligence when selecting a tax preparer this tax season. Whether you prepare your own...

Phoenix, AZ—Form 1099-G is now available online to search, download, and print by going to, clicking on the “View My 1099-G” link...

ADOR Recommends Filing Electronically for Quicker Processing

The State of Arizona’s individual income tax filing season has launched and is now accepting electronically filed 2021...

Michelle Schaefer was ordered today to pay restitution in the amount of $2,965, and a fine totaling $8,900 for operating a scheme of knowingly creating...

Taxpayers can file now and schedule payments up until the deadline.

The Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) reminds transaction privilege tax filers that monthly, quarterly...

Corporations, partnerships, S corporations, and fiduciaries are now able to electronically file their income taxes with the Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR).

Before preparing tax...

All withholding returns are required to be filed electronically starting with returns for periods beginning in 2020 or when the Department has an electronic system...

The Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) is urging businesses to renew their TPT licenses, which are due January 1, 2022.

TPT licenses are valid for...

For purposes of Arizona gross income, A.R.S. § 43-1022(11) provides a subtraction for active service compensation received by members of the Armed Forces, United States Reserves...

Taxpayers can file now and schedule payments up until the deadline.

The Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) reminds transaction privilege tax filers that monthly returns...

Each year, key changes are made to Arizona’s tax code. Here are some highlights you should know:

Due Date for Calendar Year Filers

Because April...

The Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) appreciates that businesses want to renew their Transaction Privilege Tax (TPT) License on time and efficiently.  In an effort...

Taxpayers can file now and schedule payments up until the deadline.

The Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) reminds transaction privilege tax filers that monthly returns...

On October 4, 2021, Gabriel Calderon pleaded guilty to selling red-stamped cigarettes at his ITZ LIT SMOKESHOP with Intent to Evade Taxes--a Class 5 felony...

The Arizona Department of Revenue’s 2021 annual report, highlighting the agency’s accomplishments over the past fiscal year is available online.

The Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) is mailing letters to businesses, reminding them to renew their Arizona Transaction Privilege Tax (TPT). If a taxpayer sells...

The Arizona Department of Revenue cautions taxpayers to be aware and don’t get haunted by past “ghost” prepared returns this Halloween season or any time of...

The Arizona Department of Revenue’s (ADOR) Unclaimed Property program has identified approximately $65 million in unclaimed bank accounts that belongs to 5,000 Arizona residents.


The Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) plans to mail renewal letters to business owners this month advising them to renew their Arizona Transaction Privilege Tax...

Taxpayers can file now and schedule payments up until the deadline.

The Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) reminds transaction privilege tax filers that monthly and...

Due to the passage of Senate Bill 1720 by the Arizona Legislature, peer-to-peer (P2P) car sharing businesses are now required to pay transaction privilege tax...

The Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) reminds individual income and corporate taxpayers who received a 2020 calendar year tax filing extension--and have not yet filed--have...

Taxpayers can file now and schedule payments up until the deadline.

The Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) reminds transaction privilege tax filers that monthly returns...

The Unclaimed Property program with the Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) reunited $48 million to its rightful owners in fiscal year 2021 (July 1, 2020...

Federal legislation enacted on March 11, 2021 included a provision to exclude up to $10,200 of unemployment benefits from federal income tax. Arizona later conformed...

Taxpayers can file now and schedule payments up until the deadline.

The Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) reminds transaction privilege tax filers that monthly returns...

To effectively administer the state, counties, and cities’ transaction privilege tax, the Arizona Department of Revenue issued Arizona Transaction Privilege Tax Ruling TPR 20-2 on...

The Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) will reopen its East Valley location in Mesa on Monday, August 2, 2021, for appointment-only services. Taxpayers can now receive...

Construction Contractors - The Annual Bond Exemption will expire on July 31. The new list of approved contractors will be available to the cities and...

The Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) offers taxpayers resources that are easily accessible by computer or phone, reducing the need for in-person visits.

Taxpayers are...

Arizona’s taxpayers now have a convenient new way to request a payment plan and manage their individual income tax liability through the Arizona Department of...

Taxpayers can file now and schedule payments up until the deadline.

The Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) reminds transaction privilege tax filers that quarterly and ...

As marijuana dispensaries and establishments learn and settle into a routine of filing and paying transaction privilege tax (TPT) and excise tax, the Arizona Department...

Taxpayers can file now and schedule payments up until the deadline.

The Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) reminds transaction privilege tax filers that monthly returns...

Tax Evasion and Filing Fraudulent Returns Leads To Supervised Probation and Restitution Ordered for Arizona Residents

The Arizona Department of Revenue continues to diligently investigate...

Individuals and business owners are reminded to verify their mailing address when filing their returns. The Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) requires taxpayers’ complete and...

Simplified instructions for full-year residents amending 2020 Forms 140, 140A or 140EZ
(Line numbers refer to Form 140X).


Simplified instructions have been posted for...

As traveling and summer vacations increase, the Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) reminds taxpayers that fraudsters do not take a summer break when it comes...

Corporate taxpayers have additional options when paying income taxes electronically. 

The Arizona Department of Revenue has expanded the Automated Clearing House (ACH) credit payment options...

The Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) again urges businesses that have not renewed their past due 2021 Transaction Privilege Tax (TPT) License to take action...

Taxpayers can file now and schedule payments up until the deadline.

The Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) reminds transaction privilege tax filers that monthly returns...

Tax schemes are ever-evolving in an attempt to scam or steal taxpayers’ identities, including phishing schemes, card-skimming devices, unsecured Wi-Fi networks, data breaches, computer viruses...

The deadline to file tax year 2020 individual income tax returns is May 17. The Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) would like to advise taxpayers...

The Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) recognizes tax filing season can be complex and may lead to questions and errors. In an effort to assist...

The Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) urges taxpayers to file soon as the deadline to file tax year 2020 individual income tax returns is May...

On December 15, 2020, the State Grand Jury indicted Ubaidullah Abdur-Rahman and Shamsuddeen Abdur-Rahman on charges of Conspiracy, Fraudulent Schemes and Artifices, Fraudulent Schemes and...

ADOR Reminds Adult Use Marijuana Businesses to File Their Retail Sales on April 20 Using Business Code 420

Adult use marijuana businesses are responsible for collecting and paying both transaction...

Taxpayers can file now and schedule payments up until the deadline.

The Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) reminds transaction privilege tax filers that monthly and...

Each year the Arizona legislature considers whether to amend Arizona Revised Statutes § 43-105 to conform to changes made to the Internal Revenue Code during...

The Arizona Department of Revenue confirms that while the deadline for filing and paying 2020 calendar year state individual income tax returns was moved to...

The Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) advises taxpayers they have until May 17 to make donations to qualifying charitable organizations to claim the tax credits...

The State of Arizona has announced it has moved the deadline for filing and paying state individual income taxes from April 15 to May 17...

Adult use marijuana dispensaries must remit transaction privilege tax (TPT) and marijuana excise tax (MET) to the Arizona Department of Revenue.



Taxpayers can file now and schedule payments up until the deadline.

The Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) reminds transaction privilege tax filers that monthly returns...

Arizona provides tax credits to taxpayers whose income is below a certain threshold and who are not required to file an individual income tax return...

E-file is a cooperative tax filing program that makes it possible for taxpayers to file both federal and state individual income tax returns electronically. Electronic...

Arizona estimated tax payments are not required to be made in 2021 to account for the new 3.5% surcharge tax added by Proposition 208. Pursuant to...

Filers Encouraged to E-file


Individuals needing additional support during tax filing season can benefit from the following free tax filing services that are available...

Adult use marijuana dispensaries must remit transaction privilege tax (TPT) and marijuana excise tax (MET) to the Arizona Department of Revenue.

Marijuana establishments are liable...

Taxpayers can file now and schedule payments up until the deadline.

The Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) reminds transaction privilege tax filers that monthly returns...

The Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) advises taxpayers who receive a Form 1099-G from the Arizona Department of Economic Security (DES) for unemployment benefits they...

The State of Arizona’s individual income tax filing season for tax year 2020 has opened. The deadline to file and pay is April 15.


Taxpayers should be intentional when selecting their tax preparers this tax season, because they are ultimately responsible for what is filed, no matter who prepared...

The Arizona Department of Revenue is delighted to expand its resources and webpages to assist contractors. The agency is continuously improving and innovating its websites...

Maricopa - On December 21, 2020, a state Grand Jury indicted Michelle Schaefer, a tax preparer and owner of MM Tax Solutions, on charges of...

The Arizona Department of Revenue’s (ADOR) Unclaimed Property program has identified more than $45 million that belonged to over 159,000 people with last known addresses in...

Website information and outreach team in place

Dedicated web pages on the Department of Revenue’s - are now live. The Adult Use...

The Arizona Department of Revenue is providing additional support to assist businesses in meeting their annual withholding filing obligations, due February 1, 2021, for the...

In the November 3, 2020 General Election, voters approved the Smart and Safe Arizona Act (Proposition 207), which the Secretary of State certified on November...

Taxpayers receiving Form 1099-G, which serves as a confirmation of the previous year’s state tax refund, can now go online to access and print the...

The Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) takes identity theft seriously and reminds taxpayers that tax filing season is a time to be aware of identity thieves looking for...

The Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) is reminding taxpayers of some key changes when filing for the 2020 tax year. 

Arizona individual income tax returns...

Taxpayers can file now and schedule payments up until the deadline.

The Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) reminds transaction privilege tax filers that monthly, quarterly...

The Arizona Department of Revenue has reported for four consecutive fiscal years that no individual taxpayers have claimed the income tax credit for qualified employment...

Corporations, partnerships, S corporations, and fiduciaries can now electronically file their income taxes to the Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR).

Legislation signed into law initiated...

Three Tax Return Schemes

Identity thieves are always looking for new ways to scam or steal taxpayers’ identities, including phishing schemes, card-skimming devices, unsecure Wi-Fi...

The Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) has continued providing information and support to Arizona taxpayers while protecting its customer's health and safety. Since March 2020...

Beginning January 1, 2021, businesses with an annual transaction privilege tax (TPT) and/or use tax liability of $500 or more during the prior calendar year...

The Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) is prompting businesses to renew their TPT licenses, which are due January 1, 2021.

TPT licenses are valid for...

PHOENIX - On October 5, 2020, the State Grand Jury handed down a 17 count indictment against Jackie Marie Norton, the owner operator of PJ’s...

Taxpayers can file now and schedule payments up until the deadline.

The Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) reminds transaction privilege tax filers that monthly returns...

All withholding returns are required to be filed electronically starting with returns for periods beginning in 2020 or when the Department has an electronic system...

Electronic Submission of federal Forms W-2, W-2c, W-2G and 1099

Each year employers must submit copies of all federal Forms W-2 and W-2c reporting Arizona...

Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) continues its commitment to enhancing efficiencies for its customers by taking another step forward in expanding electronic filing for corporate...

The Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) will hold a public auction of unclaimed property from abandoned safe deposit boxes beginning Thursday, December 10.

The sale...

Be advised, the Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) will no longer mail pre-populated TPT returns to businesses starting February 1, 2021. ADOR is sending notices with...

The Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) is sending renewal letters to businesses. If a business is selling a product or engaging in a business activity...

On November 30, 2020, the Secretary of State certified Arizona voters’ approval of Proposition 207 in the 2020 General Election. With this approval, the Smart...

Businesses filing electronically can receive up to $2,000 extra back through the enhanced accounting credit for e-filing.

Under legislation enacted in 2017, businesses with an...

PHOENIX – In several states across the country, individuals may see forms of gambling being offered online. However, in the State of Arizona, all forms...

Taxpayers can file now and schedule payments up until the deadline.

The Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) reminds transaction privilege tax filers that monthly returns...

The Arizona Department of Revenue’s 2020 annual report, highlighting the agency’s accomplishments over the past fiscal year is available online.

The Arizona Department of Revenue’s (ADOR) Unclaimed Property program is searching for members of the U.S. military who have unclaimed funds in their names from...

With the mark of Arizona's one-year anniversary implementing the remote seller and marketplace facilitator law, the Arizona Department of Revenue has seen a steady incline...

In fiscal year 2020, ADOR stopped more than $19 million from fraudulent tax returns, which is three times the amount compared to last year.

Halloween time is...

The Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) is aware that on September 15, 2020, an unexpected outage concerning systemic tax preparation software prevented some Arizona taxpayers from...

The Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) is sending renewal letters to businesses next month to renew their Arizona Transaction Privilege Tax (TPT) License. You must...

Taxpayers can file now and schedule payments up until the deadline.

The Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) reminds transaction privilege tax filers that monthly and...

The Arizona Department of Revenue has taken another step to deliver faster and more cost-effective tax service for Arizonans.

Beginning February 1, 2021, the department...

The due dates for the 2019 calendar year returns filed with extensions is almost here.  Individual income taxpayers who received a calendar year filing extension, and...

Beginning January 1, 2021, the transaction privilege tax electronic (TPT) filing and paying threshold lowers to $500.

Under legislation enacted in 2017, businesses with an...

Taxpayers can file now and schedule payments up until the deadline.

The Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) reminds transaction privilege tax filers that monthly returns...

The Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) urges employers to be cautious of phishing and other email scams. Scammers will disguise themselves in an attempt to access and abuse sensitive...

Taxpayers can file now and schedule payments up until the deadline.

The Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) reminds transaction privilege tax filers that monthly returns...

The Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) would like to remind taxpayers and business owners to verify that their mailing address is correct when filing. It...

The Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) has fully implemented taxpayer support services that may be accessed by computer or phone, reducing the need for customers to...

The Arizona Department of Revenue’s (ADOR) Unclaimed Property program returned $42.5 million to rightful owners in fiscal year 2020 (July 1, 2019 to June 30...

PINAL COUNTY - Attorney General Mark Brnovich announced a State Grand Jury has indicted Theresa Cook of Apache Junction with charges of filing fraudulent Arizona...

Since August 1, 2019, the Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR)’s specialists have assisted over 31,000 taxpayers through live chat, which is available on the and

Taxpayers can file now and schedule payments up until the deadline.

The Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) reminds transaction privilege tax filers that monthly and...

The Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) reminds taxpayers that tax scam artists do not take a summer break when it comes to identity theft. Thieves...

The Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) would like to alert taxpayers that time is running out to file individual tax returns for 2019 by the...

The Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) released its proposed ruling and procedure on transaction privilege tax taxpayers impacted by COVID-19 for public comment.

The proposed...

The Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) recognizes the difficulties many Arizona businesses are experiencing during COVID-19, including their ability to meet transaction privilege tax (TPT)...

Taxpayers can file now and schedule payments up until the deadline.

The Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) reminds transaction privilege tax filers that monthly returns...

The Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) reminds taxpayers that July 15 is the deadline to file tax year 2019 individual income tax returns. The department...

The Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) wants taxpayers to know if they receive a letter from a third-party collections agency that uses the title “Distraint...

PHOENIX – Attorney General Mark Brnovich announced today that Roberto De La O was sentenced to one year of jail for preparing 118 fraudulent Arizona...

Taxpayers can file now and schedule payments up until the deadline.

The Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) reminds transaction privilege tax filers that returns are...

Attempted Scams Emerged Same Time as COVID-19

The Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) says COVID-19 hasn’t stopped scammers from trying to take advantage of taxpayers...

Taxpayers can file now and schedule payments up until the deadline.

The Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) reminds transaction privilege tax filers that returns are...

The Arizona Department of Revenue confirms that while the deadline for filing and paying 2019 calendar year state income tax returns was moved to July...

Individual Income Tax Filing and Paying Deadline Extended to July 15

The Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) is reminding Arizona taxpayers that due to COVID-19...

The Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) recognizes tax filing season can be complex and may lead to questions and errors. In an effort to assist...

As part of a state-wide effort to assist Arizona businesses and employees impacted by the COVID-19 public health situation, the Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR)...

The Arizona Department of Revenue’s (ADOR) Unclaimed Property program returned $48.4 million to rightful owners in fiscal year 2019 (July 1, 2018 to June 30, 2019). Amounts...