FAQ During Tax Season
Booklets and forms are available after mid-January. Find ways to obtain forms here.
The Arizona Department of Revenue does not offer tax preparation assistance. Volunteer organizations offer free assistance to the elderly and other individual taxpayers that need to file their income tax electronically.
To expedite the processing of your income tax return, we strongly encourage you to file electronically or use fillable Arizona tax forms. Electronic filing information is available on our website.
April 15, 2025
If the U.S. Post Office postmarks your 2024 calendar year return by April 15, your return will be timely.
Electronic returns are due by midnight, April 15.
Taxpayers can claim the credit on the 2024 income tax return if you file after April 15, but the donation must be made on or before April 15, 2025. If you make a donation after April 15, you may claim it on the 2025 tax return.
The filing extension provides an extension to file the 2024 Arizona individual returns. The extension due date for individual returns is due October 15, 2025.
The federal individual returns are due October 15, 2025.
Make individual income tax payments on AZTaxes.gov, which does not require registration.
Remember, extensions only extend the time you have to FILE the return, not the time you have to PAY any taxes owed.
The filing extension provides a 7-month extension to file the 2024 Arizona corporate returns (Forms 120, 120A, 99T, and 99M). The extension due date for calendar year corporate Arizona returns is due November 15, 2025.
The federal calendar year corporate returns (except S Corporations) are due October 15, 2025.
Corporate income tax payments can also be made on AZTaxes.gov, but registration is required.
Remember, extensions only extend the time you have to FILE the return, not the time you have to PAY any taxes owed.
The filing extension provides an automatic 5 1/2 month extension to file the 2024 Arizona fiduciary returns. For calendar year end filers, the extension due date for fiduciary Arizona returns is due September 30, 2025. The filing extension for a Qualified Funeral Trust will receive an automatic 6-month extension to file the 2024 Arizona fiduciary return
The federal calendar year fiduciary returns are due October 15, 2025.
Remember, extensions only extend the time you have to FILE the return, not the time you have to PAY any taxes owed.
The filing extension provides an automatic 6 month extension to file the 2024 Arizona partnership returns. For calendar year end filers, the extension due date for partnership Arizona returns is due September 15, 2025.
Remember, extensions only extend the time you have to FILE the return, not the time you have to PAY any taxes owed.
Taxpayers anticipating they will need more time beyond the April 15 deadline to file state income taxes should consider filing for an extension by submitting Arizona Form 204 by April 15.
If unable to pay tax liability in full, an individual can request a monthly installment plan by visiting AZTaxes.gov. Under the Individual menu, select Request a Payment Plan. This feature will make it faster and easier to set up a payment plan. Be sure to read the terms and conditions.
Please call Collections, who handle the payment plans, to check on your balance or for assistance at (602) 542-5551.
Payments can be canceled until 5:00 pm (MST) on the business day prior to the requested withdrawal date. Payments that can be canceled include payments made through e-filed returns and payments made on AZTaxes.gov.
Payment through vendor: If the payment was scheduled through an electronic filing program, visit www.AZTaxes.gov, select Cancel a Payment, and select Efile as the Payment Type. Data required is SSN, filing status, tax year and payment amount.
Payment by individual: If the payment was scheduled on AZTaxes.gov, select Cancel a Payment, then select the Payment type. A confirmation number is required. For payments by paper, ADOR will process the check when it is received and does not hold it for processing at later dates. For paper checks, remember to include the following:
- Tax ID ( License, EIN, and SSN#)
- Tax Period
- Tax Type
If you are sending your payment separate from the return, you should complete Arizona Form AZ-140V and send it with the payment to the address shown on Form AZ-140V. To avoid delays when sending a paper check, include your ID# (EIN, SSN#, or Lic#), the tax type, and return period on the check with the appropriate voucher. Without the voucher and information on the check, ADOR must research to process your payment accurately. Find vouchers here.
Before contacting the Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) regarding an uncashed paper payment, check with your financial institution to verify if the check has cleared your account. Allow ADOR 8-10 weeks to process the check before calling or emailing the Department.
If the full payment is postmarked by the due date, you will not accrue late-payment penalties.
ADOR encourages taxpayers to make payments on AZTaxes.gov. Electronic payments can be scheduled for a later date and are free for e-check. If a payment has been mailed, do not send a duplicate check electronically.
Depending on if you are expecting a refund or have tax due, you can find the mailing address for income tax returns here. Mailing to the wrong mailing address will delay the processing of your return.
2.2% convenience fee, minimum of $2.00, to make a tax payment with a debit or credit card. Note: To determine if you have a Visa Corporate debit card or a Visa Consumer branded debit card, please contact your financial institution that issued the card.
You may be able to depending on if you meet the qualification from the IRS.
It depends on your gross income. In the state of Arizona, full-year resident or part-year resident individuals must file a tax return if they are:
- Single or married filing separately and the Gross Income (GI) is at least $14,600;
- Head of household and the GI is at least $21,900
- Married and filing jointly and the GI is at least $29,200.
Allow ADOR 8-10 weeks to process the refund before calling or emailing the Department. You can find information on where your refund is here.
To confirm certified qualifying charities and more information on QCO and QFCO tax credits, visit this page.
A taxpayer can only claim a tax credit for donations made to certified charities from the list for the year in which the donation was made. For example, donations made during 2024 must be to a charity shown on the 2024 QCO or QFCO list. To confirm certified qualifying charities and more information on QCO and QFCO tax credits, visit this page.
Yes, once confirming an organization is certified, taxpayers are required to use the “QCO Code” or “QFCO Code” to claim the tax credits for contributions. For more information on Arizona’s charitable tax credits and what forms to use, go to our tax credits page.
In an ongoing effort to protect taxpayers from identity theft, the IRS, state tax agencies and the tax industry are asking for driver’s license numbers or state-issued identification numbers. Providing this information helps verify identity and can prevent unnecessary delays in tax return processing.
Only self employed taxpayers may claim a home office deduction.
To correct an error on an Arizona tax return that has already been submitted, please wait until the first return has been processed. You then must file an amended tax return, Form 140X. Amended tax forms are available on our website under Forms then Individual.
If the amended return is filled out correctly and complete, you can anticipate the return to process in 90 days. If the return is incomplete, ADOR must investigate the errors and possibly contact the taxpayer for further information.
Additional Questions
If you need a copy of a previously filed and processed tax return and/or attachments including form W-2, you will use Arizona Form 450 Request for Certified Copies of Documents. The fee for copies will have to be submitted with the completed form.
Processed tax returns available are the current tax year and prior four years. Jointly filed individual income tax returns may be requested by either spouse and require only one signature on the request form. For transaction privilege, withholding, or corporate tax, requestor must be the owner of the business or officer of the corporation. Otherwise, an Arizona Power of Attorney Form 285 is required.
Yes. Walk-ins are accepted, but if a customer wants to make an appointment with a representative at ADOR’s locations in Phoenix, Mesa, or the Southern Regional Office in Tucson, they can do this by emailing AZTaxHelp@azdor.gov.
A drop-box is available at the three ADOR locations for payments, forms, applications, and returns without an appointment. Items are collected throughout the day and taxpayers can receive a submission confirmation by including their email address on the top of the envelope.
Online Filing and Call Center Assistance
ADOR also offers a Live Chat feature, which is available online Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. to answer inquiries for general questions and offers navigational guides in real-time.
Customers seeking information on particular private taxpayer matters or confidential account information can speak to our Customer Care Center at (602) 255-3381 or 800-352-4090.
Yes, a drop-box is available at the three ADOR locations for payments, forms, applications, and returns without an appointment.
For issues logging in, filing or paying taxes, use these troubleshooting tips: Try another browser, edit your bookmarks or clear your internet history and cache.
The most compatible browsers for this form are Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox. If you are using Google Chrome or Safari and see a blank/warning/error message, please view the form within your computer's Download folder instead of online.
Please ensure you download and open the form from your computer folder using Acrobat, as you will encounter issues when viewing and filling it out within your internet browser.
Fillable forms are in PDF format and contain JavaScript coding, which does not operate properly in internet browsers.
For more forms technical help, see https://azdor.gov/forms/forms-technical-information.
You can file the Power of Attorney forms at https://azdor.gov/forms/poa-and-disclosure-forms. You can email, fax, or mail the form to ADOR as shown in the instructions.